GWCA is a member-driven association with more than 400 members, including large and small employers throughout the state. The
objectives of GWCA are to:
- Represent employers before state government and the congressional delegation
- Inform members of pending legislation, court cases, regulations, and other matters of interest
- Educate members on public policy issues and the management of workers' compensation
- Promote workers' compensation self insurance in Georgia
GWCA has been meeting these objectives since 1975.
The Georgia Workers' Compensation Association is a leading advocate for employers on workers' compensation issues. Some past accomplishments are:
- Development of hospital fee schedules
- Limited duration of benefits for non-catastrophic injuries
- Preservation of workers' compensation as the "exclusive remedy"
- Elimination of mandatory rehabilitation
- Preservation of the panel of physicians
- Preservation of a statutory benefit rather than an "indexed" benefit
- Rebuttable presumption in drug and alcohol related cases
- Preservation of appropriate compensability standards
- 25% cap on attorney fees
- Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy - GWCA's executive director is a registered lobbyist with over 30 years experience who monitors all legislation and speaks on behalf of self insured employers. GWCA also works closely with the State Board of Workers' Compensation on regulatory matters
- Case Law Review - GWCA files amicus briefs with Georgia appellate courts on the most important workers' compensation cases
- Member Education - Spring and fall conferences provide members with top speakers and interactive workshops on timely topics. Networking opportunities with state officials and other workers' compensation professionals at the conferences also contribute to member education
Take a look at our Employer Members and Associate Members and let GWCA begin working for you. Join us!