I am pleased to have you visit our GWCA web site, and hope that you find this site to be a valuable resource for you in the performance of your job. We have attempted to provide a selection of pages, and links that will help you be a more proficient workers comp professional. If after reviewing this site, you have any suggestions for improvements, please send your suggestions by email, and we will attempt to incorporate your ideas to make our system even better.
GWCA has been your advocate for workers compensation issues in Georgia since 1975. Over these years, we have worked with the Georgia General Assembly and the State Board of Workers Compensation to make positive changes in our workers compensation code and its administration. Since 1992, our workers compensation system has been continuously improving. Employer costs have gone down even as benefits have increased.
GWCA also actively monitors workers compensation cases in the judicial system, and files amicus briefs in landmark cases when appropriate.
In addition to our role as an employer advocate, GWCA provides its members with information and education on issues related to workers compensation. Through our publications and conferences, members learn about emerging issues and exchange ideas on managing workers compensation programs.
GWCA has worked diligently to assure that self-insured employers are represented in every aspect of the workers compensation process. With the help of all our members, we have been able to ensure continuous improvement in the workers compensation process, while maintaining a reasonable cost.
GWCA is a member-driven association with more than 400 members, including large and small employers throughout the state. The objectives of GWCA are to:
Represent employersbefore state government and the congressional delegation Inform membersof pending legislation, court cases, regulations, and other matters of interest Educate memberson public policy issues and the management of workers' compensation Promote workers' compensationself insurance in Georgia